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Sunday Funday Family Style

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People often ask me what I like best about my property and business here in Nosara, Costa Rica. Days like today are a perfect example. Started out at 9:30 am when a new friend and fellow expat from Sturbridge, MA brought a friend from my hometown of Worcester, MA. We are the same age and boy do we know a lot of the same people and hung out in the same places. What fun to stroll down memory lane with her and how great that I now have two new fellow expat friends from MA.

Shortly after, cars started pulling in. Oscar, Ivonne and the kids who frequently visit here joyfully bounded up the stairs and jumped in the pool. They own their own little resort down in Pelada and like to come up here to get away from it all. The kids play in the pool while they relax in the beer garden. Three more cars pull up and how nice to see a new couple I met Thursday when they were here with the rest of the family.

Frederica and Jesse and their little boy. Jesse loved the pulled pork sandwich so much he couldn’t wait to come back for another. Shanna and Ryan, our esteemed Fire Chief and beloved local expats as well came with their 2 boys. Shanna saw the picture of our Shrimp cocktail and had to have it.

Next were Van, Pixie and their 2 beautiful daughters who were looking for another location and ended up in Ostional. Lucky for me, they turned around and followed the signs up the mountain. They, like so many others, were pleasantly surprised when they saw the authentic Irish Pub, the pool with so many other kids and parents swimming and of course the beautiful views of the mountains.

Although everyone arrived at the same time, the little dream team of Kerri and Krhisly managed to get the Fresh Fruit Smoothies and food orders out in no time and everyone ate, hung out in the pool and got to know each other, comparing stories of new and old adventures.

So when people ask.. I say THIS IS WHAT I LOVE about my business and location. It is so special and a must see when visiting the Nosara area. 🙂

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